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Some of the more frequently asked questions regarding therapy.

What exactly is therapy?

Ther­apy takes place within the con­text of an inter­per­sonal rela­tion­ship with a trained psy­chother­a­pist. Although ther­apy can look dif­fer­ent for every­one, it usu­ally involves talk­ing about var­i­ous aspects of one’s life includ­ing rela­tion­ships, emo­tions, career and more. By hav­ing a safe place to talk about these top­ics, ther­apy allows for peo­ple to explore their feel­ings, under­stand rela­tional dynam­ics, and gain insight about their life. Through the process of ther­apy peo­ple usu­ally expe­ri­ence behavioral change and emo­tional relief as they gain a new per­spec­tive. Ther­apy can also involve learn­ing tech­niques of how to han­dle var­i­ous sit­u­a­tions and emo­tions, such as man­ag­ing anx­i­ety or learn­ing mind­ful­ness skills.

What is Neuro-Emotional Technique?

When we have experiences that are either completely unexpected or don't meet our expectations, we tend to form a physiological memory about these events. These can be events which, at the time, seem very benign or events in which there is obvious trauma and/or high emotionality. Our tendency is to lump them into the category of stressors. Most often, we resolve these events and move on with our lives. However, there are times when we notice that our response to the event does not ‘resolve’ and/or we notice that our response seems disproportionate to the event.

Neuro Emotional Technique, (NET) is a scientifically validated method that can be used to help the body identify and re-pattern problematic physio-pathological responses that involve the mind (either conscious or unconscious) and the body. Incorporating this technique into regular psychotherapy sessions allows for insight around the stressor and the ability to change the physiology around the reaction to the stressor. This frequently results in behavioral and emotional changes. 

The following principles apply within the steps of NET:

  1. cognitive (identifying thoughts and internal dialog associated with recollections),

  2. emotional (identifying the emotions the recollection elicits), and

  3. behavioral (how the recollections affect actions, relationships, etc.).

Fees & Insurance

Therapy is an investment in yourself. While sessions are typically 50 minutes, I do offer longer sessions depending on the circumstances. I also offer a brief phone consultation to see if we are a good fit for each other and to discuss how therapy might benefit you. At that time, we can discuss fee's for the session, recommended frequency of sessions, etc and I can answer questions that you might have. 


I do not currently take insurance. 

How often should I come?

Most of my clients attend weekly initially. Weekly ses­sions, especially as we build a relationship, help to build the therapuetic rela­tion­ship and monitor progress more closely. It's not mandatory and we can make this deci­sion together dur­ing our first meet­ing. Fac­tors that might be con­sid­ered include travel time, sched­ul­ing, finan­cial con­cerns, and inten­sity of the process/situation. 

What should I expect from my first session?

Your first ses­sion is a time for you to make sure that you feel com­fort­able with me, and for me to make an ini­tial assess­ment agreeing on expectations for ther­apy. Most people find it helpful to start with some information surrounding the reason they initially are coming to therapy. Prior to the session, you will be asked to read through an Informed Con­sent form, pro­vide some basic infor­ma­tion like your name, phone num­ber, etc. You will have time to ask me about my approach to ther­apy and ques­tions that may be spe­cific to your needs.

How long does therapy last?

Ther­apy can range from a brief to a long-​term expe­ri­ence, depend­ing on a person’s indi­vid­ual needs. Each per­son has the free­dom to deter­mine when to start and stop ther­apy. Through­out ther­apy I remain in con­ver­sa­tion with my clients about the length of treatment.

I know I want to start therapy, what's the next step?

The next step is to give me a call or contact me via email so we can set up your first appoint­ment and then you can decide if ther­apy feels like a fit for you. I look for­ward to hear­ing from you. 

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